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The Ins and Outs of Automated Inbound Palletizing

August 30, 2023
For many distribution centers, unloading trailers and placing inbound product on pallets can be very labor-intensive. There are often hundreds to thousands of boxes in each trailer and these boxes can be large, heavy and hard to reach meaning most reaching, lifting and moving of boxes is done manually. Additionally, the environment inside the trailer can range from cold to extremely hot making it, at times, particularly uncomfortable. As a whole, finding and keeping labor for this essential work often presents a problem. Introducing the right automation to your palletizing operations can address labor availability challenges while also improving margins, throughput and operational flexibility.

Pack Expo 2023: The Trickle-Down Effect of Automating End of Line Operations

August 09, 2023
The world of automation is more complicated than it has ever been, with several emerging technology options and configurations now readily available with more to come. What we know, however, is that creating a foundation for long-term resilience relies on adaptable automation. Together with data-backed system integration you can overcome business challenges to meet objectives now and, in the future, reaping better ROIs. This means taking a detailed look at the processes before a package leaves the warehouse.
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Learn how AGVs helped Denso achieve a 48% reduction in process defects and 33% reallocated labor to better positions with no eliminated roles. 

